March 2013: Avantea in Argentina at the 3rd Congress of Equine Reproduction “ Nuestros Caballos”

The work carried out by Avantea on equine reproduction was presented by prof. Galli in Argentina at the 3rd Congress on Equine Reproduction “Nuestros Caballos” held in Buonos Aires from the 19th to the 24th March. Two oral presentations were given by Prof. Galli  on Wednesday the 20th of March: “Present and future perspectives of equine reproductive
biotechnologies” and “Consistencies and inconsistencies of Ovum Pick Up and ICSI in the horse”.

<media 539 _self - "TEXT, Argentina Congress of Equine reproduction Programme, Argentina_Congress_of_Equine_reproductionProgramme.pdf, 4.6 MB">Download the programm</media>