Genetic Rescue is a service provided by Avantea in order to produce a last batch of embryos from cows or buffalo of particular value that must be slaughtered for the most various reasons: infertility, trauma, acute metabolic diseases, etc.

The embryos are produced by the oocytes present in the donor's ovaries by in vitro fertilization with the bull's seed, as indicated by the donor's owner. At the end of their development, the embryos obtained can be freshly transferred into recipients or they can be frozen.

The conditions of the donor and the causes of death do affect the efficiency of the technique; on average, donors in good conditions obtain 6 freeze-quality embryos, while from donors affected by diseases that compromise the general conditions of the animal, the average production is 2-3 embryos.

The embryos of Avantea have the health requirements for marketing both on the national territory and abroad as required by Directive 556/89/EEC and subsequent amendments. Born calves can be regularly enrolled in the Genealogical Book after ascending control. Therefore it is important to check before the slaughtering that the donor has the blood group/DNA deposited.