Avantea new premises are operational since September 2022

Since a few weeks we have moved in our brand-new facilities where we have increased the stud space for up to 85 donor mares for Ovum Pick Up and we have expanded the laboratory capacity for ICSI and embryo production.

Therefore, we welcome requests for Ovum Pick Up from Clients willing to obtain embryos from their mares by oocytes collection, ICSI and embryo production in our laboratory. Donor mares can be stabled in our stud or can arrive to our clinic on a day-hospital schedule and return to their stud soon after oocytes collection.

External clinics performing Ovum Pick Up on mares of their clients are also encouraged to contact us for planning the shipment of the oocytes and for booking their slot in our ICSI laboratory program.

Bookings can be made by sending an email to info@avantea.it or to office@avantea.it
