Avantea Laboratoty obtained Quality Certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

Avantea Laboratoty obtained Quality Certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

The company's quality policy towards the strategic goals listed below:
1. Improving the performance of services for the animals reproduction;
2. Implementation of international research in the field of biotechnology for transgenic animals and biomedical research.

The quality policy is to implement an enhancement of human resources and company equipments, to optimize the management of facilities, to form a continuous stimulus to growth both through the international scientific research, and through the business services, with the following objectives:

1. Improvement of internal and external communication strategies;
2. Simplification and optimization of enterprise resource management;
3. Optimization of technical support to farmers and veterinarians;
4. Dissemination of scientific knowledge through publications in journals with high impact factor;
5. Implementing the ability to attract public or private funds through improved business performance;
6. Continuous updating through refresher courses for personnel by organizing and/or participating in training, seminars and conferences on topics of their work or business research.
7. Improving the quality of services.

Documenti aziendali:
<media 216 _self - "TEXT, Certificate17433 AVANTEA, Certificate17433_AVANTEA.pdf, 1.1 MB">CERTIFICATO AVANTEA S.R.L. UNI EN ISO 9001:2008</media>
<media 219 _self - "TEXT, politica della qualità 22-3-2011 , politica_della_qualità_22-3-2011_.pdf, 279 KB">Politica per la Qualità aziendale</media>
<media 218 _self - "TEXT, Carta-dei-servizi-Avantea, Carta-dei-servizi-Avantea.pdf, 248 KB">Carta dei servizi di Avantea</media>
<media 220 _self - "TEXT, Questionario soddisfazione clienti, Questionario_soddisfazione_clienti.doc, 222 KB">Questionario di soddisfazione del cliente</media>
<media 217 _self - "TEXT, SD 01 modulo segnalazione disservizio, SD_01_modulo_segnalazione_disservizio.pdf, 330 KB">Modulo per la segnalazione di un disservizio</media>