29th October "Ex Ovo Omnia" - Strategies to improve assisted reproduction in domestic mammals

On the 29th of October "Ex Ovo Omnia" project will be presented in Milan. The project is carried out by Avantea together with the University of Sassari and the University of Milan. The aim of the project is to develop physiological systems for in vitro maturation of the oocyte in domestic mammals with the purpose of improving the efficiency of assisted reproductive biotechnologies. The project is funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the Region of Lombardy, as part of the "scientific and technological cooperation projects in the areas of biotechnology, ICT implementing the collaboration between the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and Lombardy Region." This congress opened to the public, will focus on strategies for improving assisted reproduction in domestic mammals and will be held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan.

<media 436 _self - "TEXT, Ex Ovo flyer Oct2012 02, ExOvo_flyerOct2012_02.pdf, 691 KB">Download the program
