26 May 2011: Roundtable on the future of preclinical research

It took place on Thursday, the 26th of May, 2011 in Milan an important roundtable to discussion the new European Directive 2010/63/EU which was also attended by prof. Cesare Galli of Avantea. The conference, held at the Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, Via Balzaretti, had the following program:

  • Prof. ssa Armanda Jori, Segr. Generale E.B.R.A. e Resp. Ufficio Studi, Istituto Mario Negri Introduction
  • Dr. Giuliano Grignaschi, Resp. Animal Care Unit, Istituto Mario Negri " Directive 2010/63/EU: confirmation and news"
  • Prof. ssa Adriana Maggi, Director of Centro di Eccellenza Malattie Neurodegenerative " The new technologies in silico can replace animal testing for drug discovery? "
  • Prof. Cesare Galli, AVANTEA Cremona and Dip. Sc. Mediche Veterinarie Università di Bologna "The contribution of large farm animals to the development of scientific research"
  • Dr. Mario Melazzini, President of AISLA (Italian Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), through a video report "The role of experimental models" in vivo "for neuromuscular diseases"
  • Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi, Research Coordinator, Istituto Mario Negri Bergamo " The day that there will be no animal testing the medicine will end "

Followed a Roundtable in which, in addition to the speakers, participated: Dr F. Carù Delegato AISAL (Associazione Italiana Scienze Animali da Laboratorio) Accelera srl, Nerviano, Dr A. Girelli Terza Commissione Sanità Consiglio Regione Lombardia, Dr ssa G.M.Valtorta Funzionario DG Sanità di Regione Lombardia, Prof. R. Paoletti Professore Emerito di Farmacologia e Presidente E.B.R.A. (Sez. Italiana), Dott. C.Lunetta Rappresentante AISLA-Centro CLinico Nemo /Fondazione Serena Onlus, Dott.ssa G. Salvini Presidente Associazione Alzheimer Italia.

The event, entitled "The Future of preclinical research in view of the new Directive 2010/63/EU", was organized by EBRA, an association of people engaged in the research and teaching of biomedical subjects which operate in countries members of the Council of Europe.

<media 343 _blank - "TEXT, E.B.R.A. 26 maggio 2011, E.B.R.A._26_maggio_2011.pdf, 61 KB">Conferece program</media>