"Uterofert" Research project , main focus at Sivar Conference.

On September the 30th, 2010 at the Trecchi Palace in Cremona there was a study day organized by SIVAR during which the results of the research program funded by Lombardy Region Uterofert under the Programme for Agricultural Research 2007-2009 were presented. Uterofert project was conducted jointly by Avantea (Laboratory of Reproductive Technologies, Cremona), lead partner, Experimental Zooprofilattico Institute of Lombardia and Emilia (IZSLER, Brescia, and Lodi) and by the Istituto Sperimentale Lazzaro Spallanzani (Rivolta d'Adda). This was an epidemiological study on the incidence of postpartum uterine disease and their consequences on fertility. The study was conducted on a sample of 221 cows in two herds in Lombardy region. Cytological, bacteriological and virological analysis  were performed on uterine lavage fluids; in vivo and in vitro tests of embryonic viability were related to the presence of bacterial toxins and inflammatory mediators with the aim of mimicking the conditions of clinical and subclinical endometritis. The results confirmed the negative consequences of the forms of clinical endometritis on fertility but did not show adverse effects of subclinical forms. The conference was presented by Professor Cesare Galli of Avantea Laboratory of Cremona, as a scientist in charge of the project Uterofert. Followed the introduction of Prof. Galli, the lecture by Professor Martin Sheldon, University of Swansea, UK, internationally recognized expert on bovine uterine physiology and pathology, the reports of Dr. Giovanna Lazzari (Avantea, Cremona), Dr. Luini and Dr. Ferrari (IZSLER, Lodi, Brescia), Dr. Andrea Galli (ISILS, Rivolta d'Adda) and Prof. Gaetano Donofrio (University of Parma).

<media 372 _blank - "TEXT, Sintesi progetto Uterofert Regione Lombardia AGR MS, Sintesi_progetto_Uterofert_Regione_Lombardia_AGR_MS.pdf, 41 KB">Project synthesis UTEROFERT (italian)</media>
<media 371 _blank - "TEXT, LA SIVAR UNISCE VETERINARIA E RICERCA, LA_SIVAR_UNISCE_VETERINARIA_E_RICERCA.pdf, 27 KB">ANMVI Articles - "La Sivar unisce veterinaria e ricerca"</media>
<media 370 _blank - "TEXT, Articolo Zootecnews, Articolo_Zootecnews.pdf, 32 KB">Zootecnews Articles - "Cremona ospita il convegno Sivar sull'infertilità bovina"</media>
<media 369 _blank - "TEXT, articolo provincia, articolo_provincia.pdf, 174 KB">Provincia di Cremona Articles - "Infertilità bovina: confronto tra veterinari e ricercatori"</media>"
Brochure Conference September 30th 2010 - "Source of bovine infertility: Uterofert project"
