April 2008: Pegaso was born, the first offspring of a cloned horse

Pegaso was born, offspring of Prometea, the beautiful Haflinger mare entered the science history in 2003 as the first equine clone in the world.
Pegasus was born in March 17th, 2008 after 11 months of gestation with normal birth and a single insemination with the semen of the stallion Abendfurst, also Haflinger breed. This happy event answered all the questions that have always surrounded Prometea, as other clones. "This fact confirms that cloned animals can grow normally and reproduce in a natural way" says Cesare Galli. "For the equine species the birth of Pegaso has a special meaning because many horses are castrated animals competing since young age, and when adults they become champions, they are unable to reproduce and give rise to a champion progeny." Cloning can now make it possible to obtain offspring from champions, copies of champion castrated horses and of clones, that are actually offspring who would otherwise never have born.

<media 389 _blank - "TEXT, Comunicato stampa Pegaso 2008, Comunicato_stampa_Pegaso_2008.pdf, 39 KB">Press Comunicate</media>
<media 388 _blank - "TEXT, Articolo ANMVI - E nato il primo figlio di clone equino, Articolo_ANMVI_-_E___nato_il_primo_figlio_di_clone_equino.pdf, 26 KB">ANMVI Articles - "E' nato il primo figlio di clone"</media>
