Conference Superpig:a research project for human and animal health

It was held on October the 12th at the Maffei Hall of the Chamber of Commerce of Cremona the conference  "Superpig: a research project for the  humans and animals health."

The conference was organized under the program of R & D Superpig. Superpig is co-financed by the Fund for the Promotion of Institutional Arrangements of the Lombardy Region, Design and Research. Its purpose is to create a technology platform for the use of the pig in the biomedical field (for organ transplantation and tissue) and biotechnology (animal model).

The conference had as its objective the dissemination of current knowledge in the field of organ transplantation. Experts in the field took part in the conference :

Prof. David H. Sachs (Professor of Surgery (Immunology), Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, USA), Dr Emanuele Cozzi (Head of the Unit of Clinical and Experimental Immunology of Transplantation of the Azienda Ospedaliera of Padova), Prof. Gianluigi Condorelli (Head of the cardiovascular Research Clinical Institute Humanitas) and Dr Maria Tollis (Director of Research in Viral diseases of Domestic Animals at the National Institute of Health '). During the conference it was illustrated the state of the art in the use of large animals as models in the field of biotechnology and their use in biomedicine for organ and tissue transplantation, as well as the use of induced pluripotent stem cells for heart disease.

<media 423 _self - "TEXT, Superpig 12 ottobre 2012, Superpig_12_ottobre_2012.pdf, 1.6 MB">Download the program</media>

Look at the conference video on our YouTube channel
